Film Noir Hardcover – Bibliotheca Universalis

€ 17,24
+ € 23,64 Verzending

Film Noir Hardcover – Bibliotheca Universalis

Film Noir Hardcover – Bibliotheca Universalis

Prijs: € 17,24
Verkocht door: TagusAurum Unipessoal
€ 17,24
+ € 23,64 Verzending

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A good logo can glamorize just about anything. Now available in our popular Klotz format, this sweeping compendium gathers diverse brand markers from around the world to explore the irrepressible power of graphic representation. Organized into chapters by theme, the catalogue explores how text, image, and ideas distill into a logo across events, fashion, media, music, and retailers. Featuring work from both star names and lesser-known mavericks, this is an excellent reference for students and professionals in design and marketing, as well as for anyone interested in the visuals and philosophy behind brand identity. About the series Bibliotheca Universalis ― Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe
  • Fruugo-ID: 249932925-540273057
  • ISBN: 9783836561693

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TagusAurum Unipessoal

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  • +49-221-20 18 00

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