1000 TattoosHardcover – Bibliotheca Universalis

€ 17,24
+ € 23,64 Verzending

1000 TattoosHardcover – Bibliotheca Universalis

1000 TattoosHardcover – Bibliotheca Universalis

Prijs: € 17,24
Verkocht door: TagusAurum Unipessoal
€ 17,24
+ € 23,64 Verzending

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Whether you’re thinking of getting a tattoo or just want to see to what lengths others have gone in decorating their bodies, this is the book to check out. 1000 Tattoos explores the history of the art worldwide via designs and photos―from 19th-century engravings to tribal body art, from circus ladies of the ’20s to classic biker designs. About the series Bibliotheca Universalis ― Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe
  • Fruugo-ID: 249932929-540273058
  • ISBN: 9783836549929

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TagusAurum Unipessoal

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